Friday, November 11, 2011

Things we want to do.

Interestingly, we seem to get asked a lot 'what we want to do' with the Moore. Now it is entirely possible we are getting this question because people have seen what it looks like as we stumble around the race course, and they are hoping that there is something additional that inspired our purchase of the boat. Really for us we just wanted (and got!) a boat that is super fun to sail, that we can learn a ton from, and that we can go fast(er) on. Seriously, the Moore 24 has got to be one of the best boats ever built.

That being said, it's Friday and nasty out, so here's a list of some events/things we hope to do someday on Morosaurus (in no particular order):

- Northern Century
- Trailer to the Sea of Cortez
- Trailer to Tahoe
- Cruise the Puget Sound
- Coastal Cup
- Port Townsend Dash
- The Gorge!
- Break 16.6 kts
- Have an excuse to own a sweet van
- Race to the Straits
- Delta Ditch Run
- Doublehanded Farallones
- Scare our friends who sail cruising boats

We'll probably add to this as we go. If you've got any good suggestions to add to the list let us know!

Morosaurus in the 2011 PSSC Regatta (many more pics here)


  1. I didn't see "Act as Hello World's sailing dinghy" anywhere on this list. Is that part of "Scare of our friends who sail cruising boats"?

  2. Yes, I think of being your sailing dinghy as a subset of possible opportunities to scare you guys :)

  3. What ever happened to the "20-degrees heel = pull a reef" rule? Great sailing you two. And great pics, though I'd like to see more of Morosaurus. xoxo
    s/v Tao crew

  4. In our defense this photo is before a start or I'm sure we'd be on the rail. No reef points for Morosaurus...20-degrees heel = hike harder.

    Here's a couple more pics:

  5. Yep - After watching that vid...I definitely fit into the scared cruising friend category!! That said, let us know when you go to HR...we'd meet you there with the windsurfers. GAME ON!!
